Making Duplex paper Lotus Flowers

Back again..!!! My search on Origami papers are still on. Actually people here doesn't even know what kind of papers they are. Anyways i got some information from Nithya about Origami papers now available in Mumbai. I'm surly gonna try getting those papers.

But after seeing a video on Origami paper Lotus flowers i was so eager that i could not wait till i get those Origami papers. So i tried out making this little Lotus flower using Duplex paper. Duplex paper was anyways a good substitute for Origami papers.

However, It came out quite good even with Duplex paper.

I'll be back with more of such paper flowers when i get Origami papers.
Till then enjoy this Lotus flower made of Duplex paper.

Here is the tutorials for Lotus flower Making Origami Lotus Flower

Look at these little lotus :)

