Making quilled heart shaped flowers

After some long gap back with quilling techniques. I was just guessing you all will be bored of lot of quilling posts by me. There were days when i only used to post on quilling, so just had a change for sometime a long break was given to all quilling crafts.

Now after the break I'm back with this cute little simple quilled flowers. This is much simple heart shaped flowers. These flowers are just clubbed up together and made a bouquet not difficult to make but the outcome is really pretty.

Here i made just some heart shaped red flowers and then green stems attached to it.
and tied it to a small piece of paper strip.

Here is the one i made. Let me know how is it ?


The complete look of the Heart shaped flower bouquet.


Note :

I am really happy to announce that I am participating in a craft event conducted by kavitha of kalalaya craft blog . Find the details at